Simple Project Board
Simple but effective board to start on a project.
1 templates
About this template
Simple board to start on a project. Each list can hold items (cards) that represent ideas or tasks. There are 4 lists here: BRAINSTORM πŸ€” : Ideas are created here. Here people can describe the idea following three simple questions: Why you wish to do it, What it is, how can you do it. TODO πŸ“š: Once the ideas are clearly defined, the task can move to #todo stage. Here, the owner of the idea can move to #doing once s/he is ready. He can also wait a bit for other members to join. DOING βš™οΈ: Ongoing DONE! πŸ™ŒπŸ½: Finished You could add other lists like labels holding labels (with colors) in order to tag each card by a label if you wish. I also added a Card Template, that you can use. It is based on the Why, What, How framework that I encourage you to use, it’s so simple and effective that you don’t want to miss it.
About the creator
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