Eisenhower Matrix
Use this template to prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important work.
Crystal @ c_solutions
1 templates
About this template
The Eisenhower Matrix is a powerful method to organize your daily/weekly tasks. Read the explanation on how to use this method wisely in AppFlowy. The lists represents the category the task belong too. The cards represents the tasks. Categories describing the type of tasks: I Important & urgent: Crises, Pressing problems, Deadline-driven projects, meetings, reparations II Important but less urgent: Preparation, Prevention, Values clarification, Planning, Relationship building, True re-creation, Empowerment III Urgent but less important: Interruptions, some phone calls, Some mail, some reports, Some meetings, Many proximate, pressing matters, Many popular activities IV Not important & not urgent: Trivia, busywork, Some phone calls, Time wasters, "Escape" activities, Irrelevant mail, Excessive TV
About the creator
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